It must be at least two years ago, when I was in the middle of my bag-making phase, that I asked my best friend Hylkia (she of the famous Dutch Apple Cake) if she would like me to make a bag for her. She would, and could it be a backpack in polka dot fabrics please.

It has taken me those two years to make that backpack, but yesterday, on her 40th birthday, it arrived at her address in the Netherlands. She told me she loved it and so did her three daughters (who are roughly the same age as my three sons). I'm glad, because this is the first and last backpack I will ever make! (I started out with a pattern in this book, but gave it my own twist) No, seriously, it was a pleasure to make something for her - she once knitted a beautiful jumper for me, with cables! Backpacks are just not my thing... And I am really glad she likes it - just in case she didn't I also sent her another present; The Household Guide to Dying, one of my all-time favourite books, by Australian author Debra Adelaide.
Meanwhile I have almost finished one of the gymnast quilts; will show you some pics in the next posting. I really need to get started on the Flora quilt for Art Quilts Around the World, but seem to be stuck... The initial idea I had for a lino cutting didn't work out and I am not too sure about the second... Maybe I need to try something else - only 3 weeks to go!
a beautiful bag, well done.
Very cute, I love polka dots and use them lots in my bags..
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