To celebrate the new look I am having a giveaway! For a chance to win this Selvedge Shopping Sack (36x45cm/14x18in), featured in Down Under Quilts issue 139, just leave a comment on this posting and tell me what you think of the new look of this blog. Does it look good? Do you have any suggestions for further improvement? Let me know!

Here are two close-ups of the bag (click to see a bigger picture). It has never been used - not that I don't like it, but I still have my original selvedge bag and I don't need two!
I will draw a winner one week from today, on Tuesday March 23rd. If selvedge bags aren't your thing I would still love to hear from you, and would be happy to make a fiber postcard (15x15cm/6x6in) for you.
Hi Linda,
Love the change - looks profesional. Love your quilts also.
WOW...a pattern in DQU!!!
how fantastic for you!
The bag looks fantastic! I admire you for collecting all those selvage edges and sewing them all. They look fantastic!
Love the new heading, you have done a great job!
Maybe you could look at the cloud tags, instead of the labels on the side...it's a bit more arty??
Hi,het ziet er prima uit, the new look looks great !!!!!
I must apologize Linda I looked at your blog yesterday and didn't notice anything different, but now I can see the header. I must have had tunnel vision. The blog looks lovely, love the photos on the header. Now back to my challenge.
I dont know what it looked like before now but I like it now. I am really crazy about using up scraps and in my wildest dreams I can't imagine what people are doing with selvedges. I really like the ides and your blog. Thank you for a chance on winning the give a way.
It looks really good Linda. Easier to see things and very interesting to see some of your work. I read Brenda's email too and am interested to see how the pages look on another blog I visit from time to time. Did it take you long to set it up? Congratulations - very professional. Ann :)
Linda...the NeW Header looks Great! I like the movement in your Quilts! Your Selvage Bags are WoNdErFuL!!! What a clever & FuN idea!!! Congrats on the spread in DUQ!!! Now I'm going to have to locate a copy and read your article!
Hi Linda, your blog is one of my favorites and now even more! The Sak is a very nice giveaway, meaby there is even a selvedge from me in it ;-))
Bye for now and I read almost every day.
groetjes, Adrie
What a great bag! You have so much patience. Congratulations on the new look blog.
Hij is prachtig u nieuwe look en echt overzichtelijk.
Groetjes Magdalena
Hi Linda, love the new headers and pages, it reflects your work really well. On my main monitor I'm finding the pale grey text on the LHS a little too light for easy reading but that's the only criticism.
You mentioned selling, you can make pay pal buttons if you have a pay pal account and add them to your blog - my pages with objects for sale have that if you want to have a look.
I love the header! My son is a gymnast and I look at your quilts with awe! Love the separate pages, must head over to the blog you linked to to find out how to do this!
Hi Linda. Ziet er mooi uit je nieuwe look. Ik vind je gymnast quilts schitterend.
Eén woord : MOOI !!!
En de tas is SUPER !!!
2 kleine opmerkinkjes ( als opbouwende kritiek hé )
-het info-gedeelte links neemt bij mij bijna 1/3 van het blad in . Mag naar mijn bescheiden mening wat smaller zijn . Het is toch wat je verteld dat het belangrijste deel is van je blog ,niet ?
-Spijtig dat er zo af en toe niet wat nederlands tussen staat . Ik denk dat er heel wat potentiële lezers zijn die geen engels kennen .
groetjes van een lezer van het eerste uur ( geniet ook van je verhalen op je andere blog )
Ik vind het prachtig. Hoe doe je dat met die pagina's?
Hi Linda,
Love your bag, was very impressed when I first saw it in the magazine a month or so ago. Must admit I did get a bit of a buzz when I recognised some of those selvedges!
I love that bag, Linda. Wouldn't trade it for a postcard, LOL! I think your blog looks great. Easy to read and navigate. Not too cluttered like some are. I enjoyed viewing you work. And, I recognized your Salvaged Selvedges. Thanks for counting me in.
Hoi Linda, het is mooi geworden. Die extra pagina's met het overzicht van je quilts zijn ook leuk, wat heb je in korte tijd veel gedaan! En je tassen zijn errug leuk!
I love the new look Linda. I saw Brenda's post too and I'm slowly working on my blog - I think it needs a big de-clutter! Pages are a great option!
Love the new look blog, you have been very busy and doing some lovely work!
Hi Linda- I like what you have done with the blog. I particularly like your quilts in the header - they show up very well. A couple of points though - there seems to be way too much white space (to my eye) - it looks a little empty, although I do like that it isn't cluttered - does that make sense? Also - it looks as though you are missing a quilt along the top - there is a large area with no quilt. Bear in mind, however, that I used Firefox, so it may look different in IE. Cheers - and thanks for sharing your work and for the giveaway!!!
ik vind het mooi geworden (al was het vooraf ook al mooi hoor). het feit dat je een wijde 'sidebar' hebt vind ik zeker leuk! en toch is je blogtekst zelf nog goed leesbaar en moet er niet veel gescrolld worden... ik lees hier graag mee!
Hi Linda, I'm impressed with your gym quilts, and I love the selvedge bag - would love to win it. And there is no space up the top on my computer, so it must be the "firefox". They say a change is as good as a holiday - nice holiday!
Faye in Pinjarra (didnt use the "shaddow box" for the block I was making a while ago, but hope one day to make the quilt.)
I like the clean, straightforward appearance and the large photographs. But, then, I hadn't visited your blog previously.
I'm accustomed to seeing people's profiles, favorite blogs and links on the right side, so yours on the left were a surprise.
This is my first visit to your blog and I really like what I'm seeing. I want to spend some time exploring what you are posting and enjoying your work. Thanks for posting.
Hi, your blog facelift looks nice!
I like the new look. It is very clean and easy to navigate.
Your blog face lift looks great! I'll have to look into making separate pages on my blog. I didn't realize they had added this feature.
wat een mooi blog geworden.heel overzichtelijk
grt marleen sinaai
mooie face-lift heb je je blog gegeven, ben je er voor jezelf ook al aan toe? haha, niet aan beginnen hoor. lees altijd met veel plezier jullie belevenissen en ben soms stiekem jaloers.
oh my look how many people come out when you have a give away!
I like the brown colors best on the right! If I should be so lucky to win one of your bags.
Like the new look here too and thanks for pointing out the new update from blogger. I will check into it.
Linda, love the new cleaner looking blog.
It is fantastic to see the quilt journey you have been on.
And I won't be throwing out any selvedges any more!!
Love, love, love selvedges. Would be ecstatic to win one of your bags. Your new blog page is beaut and I have been loving your gymnastic quilts - very clever. Di
the blog looks great
great to be able to customise it
please add me to the srawing for your bag.
it is a LOT of work to sort and collect selvedges.....most of my fat quarters have the "wrong" end on them
I love the new look. It's so crisp and clean and displays your lovely work beautifully.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Love the new look. I feel changes coming over most of us! :)
The bag looks great. I love that it has 2 colourways to match what you are wearing. Great idea!
I think several of your "traditional quilts" are quite contemporary. Especially the first optical illusional one.
Ik keek even vreemd op toen ik een andere naam voor je Q blog in mijn Bloglines zag staan, de overgang naar een nieuwe naam werkt dus prima. Deze nieuwe lay-out voor je blog ziet er mooi overzichtelijk uit en leest gemakkelijk. ook de indeling in verschillende pagina's vind ik erg geslaagd en handig als je snel even iets wilt lezen en of bekijken. Nog bedankt voor de link naar de Blogger pagina. Ik ben me juist de laatste dagen aan het verdiepen over hoe ik mijn eigen blog een nieuw jasje kan geven. Ja, ja ik speel met de gedachte om het bloggen toch maar weer op te pakken maar ben nog niet helemaal zeker. Groetjes.
I think your new look is excellent Linda - very interesting to see your quilts together on their own pages & to read about you. I've added one page to my blog - must get to doing more.
Would love to win your wonderful selvedge bag!
yes - it looks quite good
(probably way better than mine ;-)
I like the selvedge bag too (I was going to say that before I realised that the bag is what you are giving away! lol) ... and I also like that eye boggling quilt you made for DH's office - LOL
hmmm ... maybe now that I am logged in to google (did that to add my comments) I should go to my dashboard and have a quick look/fiddle ... but I probably should do that later - I WAS going to just have a quick peek at my e-mail then go and do some more sorting out in my sewing room/etc ... and I have already been in here getting "lost in cyberspace" for about an hour!
Oei Linda vandaag is de lay-out van je blog helemaal anders ! De blauwe zijboorden had ik niet en de verhoudingen lagen helemaal anders . Ik denk dat gisteren mijn pc een rare sprong gemaakt heeft of mischien lag het aan "bloglines" In ieder geval niets veranderen aan die sidebar die is nu bij mij ook perfect . Nog veel succes met je vernieuwde blog !!!!
I like the new look of your blog! Nice and fresh, and it's good to have several pages too.
Count me in on the selvage bag giveaway! I've been admiring it in Down Under Quilts.
This is my first time to your blog. I like it a lot. Would love to win the bag. I have been saving selvages for a while, might have enough for a pot holder.
Gefeliciteerd met de nieuwe look van je blog. Ik zag je laatste turnquilt en vind 'm geweldig!
I love the selvage bag. I haven't made one yet and would love to win yours. I like the looks of your blog very much.
Love the new look blog and selvage bag.
The blog looks beautiful and I love the colours. As for the selvege bag it's gorgeous. I love it and I'd love to win it too. I'll be back to visit.
Je blog ziet er prachtig uit hoor, maar wat een mooie dingen maak je. Ik kijk ook uit naar jouw deur. Wat een leuk onderwerp, vind je niet? Je staat bij mijn favorieten, dus ik kom zeker vaker kijken.
gr. Marjolijn
the new look is so fresh and elegant. I came to you through Karen and i love the bag...if i do not win it i will make myself one!
Hugs from Italy,
~ Roberta ~
wow, what a fantastic prize!
I think your blog looks lovely - very clean and clear :)
great blog, the bag is fabulous!
Hi Linda, Your blog looks very good and I love the things you make.
What an idea that bags made from strips. I never knew what to do with them.
Hugs Trees from fibermail Holland
Linda Karen sent me. YOur new blog looks great and your selvage bag is awesome, Thank you for the chance to win.
Don't know what your blog looked like before...but it looks great now. I especially like the 'pages', spotlights some great quilts of yours. I gotta try to add that to my blog.
I LOVE your selvedge bag...been saving up some of my selvedges, but seems I'll never get to make a bag...maybe I'll win yours...ya never know! Thanks for offering it.
Your blog looks great! The only improvement I would make is to shade the body a bit. The white is so stark. Love the bag! I also love working with selvages, but have a hard time finding enough for my projects!
Your blog looks great - LOVE the header and I love the BAG!!!
sao (Shirley Albertson Owens)
Love the chance to win this giveaway. Love your header and am now a follower. I am new to your blog. Nice and neat would love the background a little softer maybe. I do like the size of your sidebar it is great.
Love the bag! Thanks for the chance for the giveaway.
Karen Griska sent me...
Your blog looks very clean and contemporary and I'm so glad I "stumbled" over. Karen says hello.
love your bag! I like your blog, it's neat and tidy!
I love selvages and I love this bag. So unique. Your blog looks great too. Karen says hello.
Your selvage bags are wonderful!
Karen says hello - came over from her blog -
happy sewing - great blog
Hola! te escribo desde Venezuela! Me encantaron los bolsos. Del nuevo look de tu blog (no conocí el anterior) lo que más me gusta son los links que aparecen debajo del encabezado. No sabía que eso se podía colocar en un blog. Te felicito por ese nuevo look y te doy las gracias por tu generosidad. Espero tener suerte!
Un abrazo
The blog looks great.
Would love the bag! Love bags!
Karen says hello! Love the bag, but I have so many bags now. I would love to have a fibre postcard to add to my wall with other pieces I have collected from other artists. So glad I found you thru Karen's blog - I am adding you to my Favorites.
Love the selvage bag and the look of your blog. Aren't the buttons & pages great? I just found this option recently, too. The only suggestion I could think of to make would be to make your header/banner larger so that it is the same size as your button bar underneath it. Plus, I love the bright colors you have in the banner and I think it would be even more beautiful if they were larger.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I lvoe the look of the blog. I've started to follow. I'd love a chance at the bag.
Love it. Suggestion add outer pockets.
Love these bags...the second is my fav just because of the muted colors. How about braided handles to change it up a bit?
Love your blog -- was directed here from Karen Griska. Love the selvage bag and thanks for a chance to have it for my very own! What an eye catcher it is!
Selvedge Quilter sent me over from her blog.
I've not visited you before so can't comment on the new improved blog look, but can tell you it is attractive now. Easy to navigate.
I am so intrigued with selvedged edges. Every project I've seen is eye-popping.
Thanks for this opportunity to win a bag.
And thanks for blogging.
I have to admit I did not see your blog before, I was directed your direction from the Salvage Blog... But I am happy I came to visit. I love the bag and your blog is lovely, I love contemporary quilts... I think I will add you to my list of blogs I read.
Thanks for the chance to win your lovely bag.
Hello it's my first time here. I clicked on Selvage Blog's link! I like the look, very clean and professional, and very easy navigation.
Please enter me in the draw for that gorgeous bag!
I am totally amazed at how the selvage colors just pop.. The quilting on it makes it even better.. Karen says "Hello", she sent me over and I do like your new format? Or facelift? Have a good day.
I'm new to your blog - I came over from Selvage Blog. I really appreciate an uncluttered blog look. Your bag is terrific - love the quilting on it!
Hi, Linda - I popped over from Selvage Blog - your blog looks great, and I love your quilts - omg especially your string selvage quilt. That block construction technique is my all time favorite - I've made many string quilts over the years, but I just started saving selvages a couple of months ago, and haven't sewn with them yet!
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway - good luck to everyone!
Hi linda, the blog looks great and I love your quilts! Love the selvedge bag! Thanks for the giveaway!
Your blog face lift look clean and new! I would love to do this to mine. The selvage bag is adorable!
Wonderful selvage bag! Please add my name to the drawing.
Super cute bag. Love it.
A selvage bag is totally my thing! Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous one. I think your blog looks great - I love the clean, uncluttered presentation and I will definitely check out the 'extra pages' option for my own.
Well...since this is my first visit to your blog, I don't know what it looked like before, but now it's very nice. And I love selvage bags!! Thanks for entering my name.
I love the new look! Was adding the tabbed pages hard to do? Polly :-)
i'm new so can't comment on the change - it all looks great to me!
love the selvedge bag - i've only just 'discovered' selvedges so i'm saving like mad to make something a bit bigger than a pincushion!!!
You might find a three-column blog gives you more exposure for "important" things. Takes a little html cut and pasting, but I like it on mine. I hope you'll pay me a visit! I'm having a giveaway too, though mine isn't nearly as adorable as yours is. Thanks for this opportunity.
Love the selvedge bag - looks like a lot work to me. lol
Gosh I'll have to look into those changes ... thanks.
I love the selvedge bag please throw me into the pot. thanks
Your blog and the bag are wonderful. The drawing is on my 19th wedding anniversary, maybe I'll be lucky twice on the same day.
I do like your blog; it is very easy to navigate and to find what you are looking for.
I would love to win your selvedge bag!
This is so cute and would be the perfect green bag for Saturday at Farmers Market. I would love to win.
Cudos to you for refining your blog look and content! It is so hard to do all these things when you would just rather create! Hopefully you efforts will pay off with more viewers. Good luck.
What a clever idea that bag is!
The blog looks very clean. I'd like it even better if there were a list of postings on the right -- not just "Click on March, then click on February, then click on January" but one long list. That way I can move back quickly.
I think the tabs are a great way to organize the blog. I will have to check this out myself
Your blog is delightful, and your selvage bags are dreamy, especially the one with all the gorgeous color. I can appreciate all the work it takes to create one. The winner is going to be one lucky gal, I'd love to be able to show one off around town!
I love the new look. Use of salvages is the smartest thing yet.i
Awesome bag with just enough fabric showing plus the selvage to give the bag a lot of interest. I have started saving my selvages and have a cool one which says Colony Cheddar and Poison Green. Strange thing about it is that the fabric is orange and navy. Go figure...and thanks for the opportunity to win your wonderful bag.
I have never been to your blog before but stumbled upon it this evening. I have never heard of or seen a selvedge quilt before. I love it! this is the type of thing I thrive on...turning nothing into something. It is amazing the ideas many come up with. I live in the United States in Tennessee. I love your gymnastics quilts they are quite artistic and unique. Love the shadows of the images!! I never saw your blog pare before but love the look of it...clean and fresh! I am going to look into purchasing your book. Love your style!!
blessings to you,
A great blog, and great bag! What more? Oh yeah, a giveaway too! WOW!
It is very nice and clean looking. I'm new to your blog so can't comment on whether it's improved. I love the selvage bag but if I win would be happy with a fiber postcard. I have a sister who lives in Australia and I know how horrendous the postage is.
Ha, this gives me the honour to add the 100th comment! Prachtig, Linda. Lekker overzichtelijk zo!
It is my first visit to your blog (Karen sent me) so I can't really comment on the newness of the look, but I am always a fan of simple and lots of white space.
I love the selvage bags!
Just discovered your blog via the Selvage Blog, and I think it looks great!
hi I to just found your blog via Karen and I do like it easy to follow. I love the idea of using salvages, they look so neat and it is great for the quilter because we hate to throw any fabric away. I have just started to save my salvages. Postcard would be great to. Sandra
have not seen your blog b/4 -- but it looks great now! Love your selvage bag, what a great idea.
Your kids -- and the quilt portraits you do -- are really nice. They remind me of 2 of my grandchildren in St. Paul, MN, USA.
--- Jo, Witch Quilter
It's definitely clearer and easy to see everything. It's been a pleasure getting to know you through your blog. I love the bag and have some selvedges saved - one day I'll make something with them.
I love the look of your blog - very clean and contemporary - shows off your work very well.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Gorgeous, wildly colorful bag! Would love to win this one! And your blog is very artsy! Great job!
You're blog looks great! I love the Owl Quilt. Thanks for having a giveaway!
Hi Linda
I loved your bag when I seen it in DUQ.. I have been working on a selvedge bag (still saving civil war repro's selvedges) for a wee while.. sure takes time to collect those suckers! I like the new look of the blog and I think I might like to add those page features to my blog...
take care
Looks good Linda
The new look is great - very clear and easy to read and to find, hat you are searching for.
I love the selvage bag and would love to be in th drawing.
Have a nice weekend.
Greetings from DK,
Great blog spot, directed here by sevage blog, will return, would be proud to carry the beautiful bag.
The bag and your blog are fabulous! The only thing I would change on the bag is to make box pleats across the bottom corners so it's got a rectangular bottom. I do most of my bags that way so they sort of stand on their own and hold a bit more. I can even put in a rectangle shaped piece of something sturdy to hold that shape more. Sometimes I make my shopping bags the size to hold a small rubbermaid box and those are really sturdy!
I like the clean crisp look of the white.....like a brand new box of stationary ( remember when we used to write to each other on paper?)
Thanks for a chance to win that great shopping bag...Karen sent me to have a look at your new and improved blog....nice job :0)
Happy Sewing
Hoi Linda, je blog ziet er mooi uit, misschien hier en daar een beetje meer kleur, met name de lichtblauwe balkjes aan de zijkant mogen wat mij betreft wat warmer van kleur. Je tassen vind ik superleuk, waag dan ook graag een gokje.....Groetjes uit een druilerig Nederland! Nadia
Good Morning Linda
I liked your old blog and I like the new blog. Both are lovely and the content is, as always, inspiring. All the best to you...I'm still working on putting together an optical illusion pattern for my girls....all the best to you.
The new page looks lovely and clean, easy to navigate, too! Thank you for teaching me (via Brenda) what the new page thing is all about - looked at it the other day but life has been so full (Andrew's Dad died yesterday, very sad aboutit), and every other thing happening, too!
I have a give-away on my blog too:
to celebrate my 1st Blogaversary.
Thanks heaps, xxxxx
This is my first visit to your blog so I do not know how it looked before. I think it is very nice and has a great "clean" look. I love the selvedge shopping bag!
Hi Linda!!!
This is my first time to your blog. I like it. I came to you through Karen (Selvage Quilter).
Please count me in the selvage bag giveaway.
Thanks and regards from Costa Rica.
Wow, this is a real make over. I really love it! And thanks for the tip for pages in it. I will go and check it out and maybe even try ;-). Really love the fresh look of your blog. And those bags... only the idea you made them is enough!
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