I felt like making some more gymnasts quilts, so used some of the screenprints I made for the MAGnificence quilt (which is in the Student Gallery now at the QuiltUniversity site!).
They will only be small quilts, 12 by 12 inches or so. I started quilting the first one yesterday:

Gymnasts continue to inspire me! Hugo (7) has been invited to the Junior Competition Squad at his club and he is now training twice a week, 5 hours in total! He will compete for the first time on April 17th, at the Gold Coast. Very exciting!
Last Sunday we went to Ikea (I love Ikea, it's like being back in the Netherlands!) and bought this bunk bed for Hugo and Ernst:

Of course it came in a large cardboard box and we had a lot of fun when I traced the boys' shapes:

Hugo went on to colour in his shape (Ernst and Robbie didn't want to):

Here's Hugo and his scary (and skinny) friend!

Funny, visiting a swedish company makes you feel as if you are in the Netherlands. I guess sticking your head in the fridge is better, its about 4°C outside over here (from the pictures I guess it is really hot at your place?)
I love Hugo's artwork!
Who needs toys when you have large cardboard boxes? Hugo did a good job with his cut out figure
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