Monday 19 December 2022

Hugo's Gymnastics T-shirt Quilt

 I finished this quilt in August, but didn't dare send it to the Netherlands in the mail... So I waited until we traveled there ourselves, and on Friday, December 16th, the quilt finally arrived at its destination: Hugo's student accomodation in Wageningen!

He was very surprised, and loved it! He enjoyed looking at all the t-shirts that are part of it. So many memories!

I'm so happy with the final result!

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Socks again

 The Rustling Reed Socks are finished! As mentioned in the previous blog posting, I didn't really enjoy knitting them, but I do like how they look. And the recipient, my youngest son, loves them too, so that's pleasing :-).

I have started knitting the second sock of the Florentine Lace Socks (see previous posting), but I had cataract surgery on my right eye in early November. Afterwards, I could see really well with that eye, but not yet with the other, so not a good time for lace knitting. Instead I made another pair of DK socks using the Sail Away pattern that I almost know by heart now:

These are for my BFF in the Netherlands, who I will see on Sunday, as we fly out there tomorrow!! She chose the yarn (Oceans, from Heathermaid of course), and I found free printable labels at Billy and Baa. I hope she will love them!

I'm currently knitting another DK pair for my middle son, whose first pair is now a chew toy for our dog, Shaggy...

He chose this yarn, called Turban Shell - I really like those colours! The first sock is finished, I will finish the second one in the Netherlands so he can wear them while we are there.

And I will bring this ball of yarn, so I can start another pair when they are finished! I don't know yet who they will be for, but I am sure I'll find someone ;-)

 (Last weekI had cataract surgery on the other eye and I now have perfect, 20/20 vision - but I will save the lace knitting for when we are back home)