2020 is almost over, and like everyone else I am glad to see the end of this year. Although the Covid situation here in Queensland, Australia, isn't nearly as bad as in many other places around the world, the pandemic has still had a large impact on our lives. The worst thing for me personally was that I couldn't travel to the Netherlands when a loved one got sick and died back in July.
Crochet, along with reading and running, has been a good way for me to deal with everything 2020 threw at me. I finished 12 projects this year - big ones, like my Up North Cardigan and the Lotus & Blossom Mandala, and small ones like the four colourful dishcloths (the fourth one was finished yesterday!):

I didn't do any sewing, quilting or knitting in 2020. I did discover a new craft: embroidery. I made two pieces and I really like both of them, but I don't think I'll be making any more anytime soon.

The best thing for us in 2020 was that after almost 14 years in Australia we finally bought our own house!
We moved in a month ago and are very much enjoying making it ours. The mandala has found a spot in the living room:

While unpacking boxes I came across this quilt that I made many years ago. I put it up on the wall over the dining table - everyone loves it!

Cycle of Life is also in the living room:

And my whole amigurumi family is on display on top of the bookcase!

There are some other quilts that still need to be put up on the walls, and of course it's too hot at the moment to have quilts on the beds.
Meanwhile some new balls of yarn have arrived for my next crochet project...

I hope you will visit this blog again in 2021 to find out what I am going to make with these!
Having said that, thanks for visiting this year, I appreciate it. And I would like to wish all my readers a happy, creative, and especially healthy 2021 - here's hoping that life will become a bit more normal soon.