It's finished! And I'm rather happy with it. I especially like the quilting - the best free motion quilting I have done so far, I think. Here is a close-up picture:

I didn't think of the leaf pattern myself; it's in Dijanne Cevaal's book '72 ways not to stipple or meander'. I thought it suited this quilt very well, as did the branch pattern in the border. I would recommend this book to anyone who uses free motion quilting (you can order it at her website).
The next projects will be the ATWI20Q challenge and the March journal quilt. The theme for the last one is 'Life cycle'. Hmm, have to think about that...
It's very nice Linda. I like the leaves too. They are fun to do.
The owl's eyes are awesome as is the way you added paint to his body. It came together very well.
Hi Linda, het is een mooi quiltje geworden. Dat boek van Dijanne gebruik ik ook graag als inspiratie voor het quilten. Mijn lonnirestjesquilt heeft een rand van bladeren uit haar boek.
I love the fabrics you have done for this quilt and the little owl is so realistic. Must get a copy of that book, it sounds intriguing.
Hi Linda, I love your owl - he is so realistic and the eyes - I feel they really empower the whole quilt. Plus I love the purple flower. Dijanne's book is fabulous - did you know she has written two now?
Geweldig, die uil! Hij kijkt je echt aan, mooie ogen hoor.
een prachtige uil!
Mooi geworden Linda!
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