It's finished!
The suggested theme for February was
Love - I guess because of Valentine's Day, which does not mean much to me. But February happens to be the month in which my first child was born, and with him (and later with his brothers) came love in a way that I had never known before. (I remember going away on my own for a few hours for the first time after he was born, it must have been in March, because I saw lots of lambs in the fields... I got quite teary and wondered if those lambs' mothers felt the same way about their babies as I did about my Hugo...)
Some of the suggested techniques for this month were to use angelina and metal foil. I have used angelina in a quilt before (the
jacaranda quilt) but not foil, so it was a good chance to try something new.
I used the photo that I think is still the most beautiful one of my 3 boys ever made. I took it when Robbie was about 6 weeks old.
And I satin stitched the edges following the advice that was given after I posted the pic of the January journal quilt. I think it does look better this time, so thanks!
Would love to hear your comments on this one!