I also started a new quilt and will show some of it here later. It deserves a whole posting to itself and today there's more to show.
This, for example: I now have received all the ATCs in the 'Cities' swap:
Clockwise, starting at the top left, they are Sydney: Circular Quay from Dianne, Sydney from Roselie, my Brisbane, Paris from Sheila, New York Snapshots from Sharon and My London from Sylvia.
Aren't they beautiful! (click on the photo to see a larger picture)
Yesterday this arrived:
A present from my Angel! Isn't she an Angel!
A beautiful, handmade sewing case (is that what it's called in English?) with scissors and purple thread (my favourite colour!), bubbles for the boys and for Dad ;-) and a 2007 Quilting Arts magazine!!! I have the last few numbers, but none from 2007, so am very happy to receive this. Thanks, Angel!
(just heard from my Mortal that she received my parcel as well!)
The online art quilt group is almost set up; I will probably be able to tell you its name and show you its blog next time! It takes a lot of my time setting it up, but I'm sure it's worth it and I'm looking forward to starting on the first theme - next week!
This weekend I'll be going to the quilt retreat in Toowoomba - don't know yet what I will work on, will just bring all my current projects! (which are quite a few...)
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