I'm very busy at the moment, but nothing I can show here yet - postcards that are on their way to the recipients, selvedge items for the December issue of
Down Under Quilts, a quilt that I want to enter in the Queensland Quilt Show - so I will show you a drawing made by my 4 year old son Ernst.
Until quite recently Ernst wasn't interested in drawing/painting/collaging at all, unlike his older brother Hugo (6) who brought home works of art from his child care centre when he was only 1 year old. But in the last few months Ernst has suddenly discovered the joy of drawing. Here is a drawing of a creature called
The Grameldon. It is something that Ernst started telling us about a while ago and sounds like a mix of a superhero and a dinosaur - although here it looks a bit cat-like as well ;-). I am thinking we might make a Grameldon-quiltlet...
I tidied up my sewing room this week, so here are a few pics of that too.

The bookcase with my quilting books and magazines, sketchbooks, postcards and ATCs and other things I like looking at (my feather collection, a thread painting made by my friend
Mady, a lovely pic of baby Ernst etc).

Here is my fabric collection, in a couple of boxes - not too bad, hmm?

Painting supplies under the ironing board:

And my sewing table looking very tidy indeed!