Friday, 14 November 2014

Quilting retreat!

A week ago I was packed and ready to go on a quilting retreat! My friend Rens picked me up and we drove via Gatton (where there was a Christmas craft market) to Edmund Park, near Thornton in the Lockyer Valley. This was the view we had over the Great Dividing Range:

It was the same place as three years ago, again organised by Julie. It did look a bit greener then...

The beautiful jacaranda was in bloom again...

And there were still lots of wallabies:

Here is Rens, working on a quilt for a friend:

Apart from the Dutch post bag that I showed in the previous posting, I worked on three projects:

The blue squares are scraps of my favourite fabrics. There weren't enough for a quilt, so I made a cushion. I love it! (and so do the boys)

Remember the pencil roll I made last year from a kilt I found at the op shop? I gave it to a friend after she told me loved it (yes, if friends or family tell me they love my stuff there is a good chance they end up getting it!). I still had most of the kilt and one more clasp, so I finally made another pencil roll - had been planning that for ages! Think I will keep this one myself :-)

The third project I worked on is a quilt I am making for a friend. I will show it here soon in a separate posting.


  1. I've missed my last too retreats run by my club and I really feel like I'm missing out. They're so much fun and very therapeutic to get away for a while. Love the cushion!

  2. Wonderfull jacaranda, in my chilhood,cdr, the are a avenue with jacaranda along , greeting from Belgium


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