Saturday, 5 October 2013

Felted wool and kids' art

A while ago a friend who was moving overseas gave me her (small) fabric stash. In it I found some woollen jumpers (sweaters) which I felted in the washing machine. Then I cut them up and stitched the pieces back together, as you do when you are a quilter... and ta-da!

 The back is made from another jumper:

I think this sort of thing is called a trivet, right? it is residing on our dinner table now where we could put a vase of flowers on it if we had any flowers (flowers are shockingly expensive here in Australia, compared to the Netherlands, so I hardly ever buy them). The boys, especially my middle son Ernst, are fascinated by the 3D shapes!

Speaking of Ernst, here is a painting that he made this week. It's called Robot Dog:

And here is a drawing of a character that he invented. He called it Triple Trouble - or rather Triplle Trubull ;-)

I just love his original artwork and am going to try to upload it onto Spoonflower and see if I can have some of it printed on fabric (as I did with another drawing of his a few years ago).

1 comment:

  1. I haven't ventured into Spoonflower yet, but I think that's a great idea of having the kids art printed. My boy draws the coolest stick figure warriors/monsters/skeletons.


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