Saturday, 6 October 2012

Lunch with the MOB

Today I had a lovely lunch at the riverside cafe of GOMA with the MOB - the SAQA Members of Oceania in Brisbane. Sue, Kate, Mel, Janet and I enjoyed our cool drinks...

... nice food...

... and inspiring discussions about art and quilts :-). Mel showed a beautiful mixed media piece:

After lunch we walked to the Queensland Museum to see the Dressed by the Best exhibition (no photos allowed).

It was a lovely day - thanks ladies! I am so inspired to start a new quilt now...


  1. That must have been so much fun! Sometimes I do wish i lived closer to the big wide world but I eventually realise that where I do live is as close to perfect as I can find!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day - and looking forward to joining you at the next get-together.

  3. Lovely photos Linda and yes a great day for all!


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