Saturday, 8 September 2012

Bleeding Heart Market

Here I am in front of my stall at the Bleeding Heart Market yesterday.

The weather was perfect, the location was beautiful (the deck of an old Queenslander; the historic School of Arts Building in Ann Street) and my fellow stall-holders were lovely - the only problem was that there were so few customers!

There was very little signage to lead people to the market - we even took turns going out in the street to tell people about it - most were very surprised and happy to come and have a look. The few people that came seemed to like my products and I sold enough to cover the cost of the stall, but it was disappointing nevertheless. I don't think I will be back next month. Oh well...

This weekend I am trying to put some of the things I learned at the conference into practice. For instance, I am giving Twitter another go - if you would like to follow me, I am @lindarobertus.


  1. Hi Linda - I just found out about this market this week through weekend notes, and your blog - but I'm out of town...I need to get on to twitter too - seems a lot happens that way.

  2. Your booth looks great! Sorry to hear the customers were few but maybe the next year it will get better.
    I've tried Twitter and Facebook, etc...but I just noticed how much time I was using up on the computer instead of working on what I really wanted to work on. It's such a toss up if it really works or not. I wish you much success!


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