Thursday, 16 June 2011

New: website!

I have been working hard on the new ice skating quilt - it is now ready to be quilted. I think it is looking very good at this stage...

Something else has kept me busy in the last few days: I have set up a personal website! You can find it here - I would love to hear what you think of it.

We are having a spot of very cold weather here in Brissy and that made me buy some yarn... Will I really knit a scarf this time? We'll see!


  1. Mooie website,Linda! Je hebt al aardig wat gemaakt en gedaan, maar ik vind jouw sportserie het mooiste!

  2. Je bent een stap verder dan ik ;-). Ik speel alleen nog maar me de gedachte; al meer dan een jaar...
    Het ziet er goed uit!

  3. Congrats on the website! Very professional.


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