Thursday, 7 October 2010


It's October - jacaranda time in Brisbane! If you have been following my blog for a year or longer you will know how much I love these trees!

This is what I have been sewing this week: an oil cloth bunting, now up for sale in my online shop Blue Jacaranda (hey, there's that jacaranda again!).

I have also made a few cards for the birthday list at the Fibermail group. (I used leftovers of the fabric I made for the Embellish a Bag Challenge - see here; scroll down a bit)

And here are all the cards I got for my birthday in September. Aren't they pretty?

I hope to go to my local quilt shop this weekend to buy fabric for the sashings in the calligram quilt. And for the Stone Soup quilt, because that one needs to be finished this month as well...


  1. Good Morning Linda
    I just loved seeing your postcards this morning. I am just finished my morning cup of coffee and my morning has been reserved to make postcards. I run a postcard exchange within my guild and have been toying with the idea of an additional birthday exchange of postcards as well. You have inspired me to try and encourage the ladies to participate. Isn't it joyful when you get a beautiful card in the mail?
    Enjoy your day.

  2. Hi Linda

    Like you, I love the Jacaranda trees. I am in Florida just now and here they bloom in April/May. We see a lot of them when we drive to the beaches on the Gulf of Mexico. I get a feeling of happiness, eveytime I see these wonderful colourd trees!
    Have a great day and keep looking fot lilac trees, Tonny


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