Friday, 27 August 2010

Spoonflower Free Swatch Day

Spoonflower, one of my favourite websites, has a Free Swatch Day today, so this is your chance to try out a fabric design for free or buy a small piece of one of the fabulous fabrics available on the site. I'm thrilled that six persons have ordered a swatch of one of my fabrics!
I ordered the swatch above, based on a Dover design.

And some more exciting Spoonflower news: my Dutch Houses design came third in the Windows and Doors contest!!! How cool is that! Thanks everyone who voted for me!!!

Thanks also for the kind comments on my new quilt. I have come to like the quilt a bit more again myself and have sent the photo to the Creative Arts Spectacular organisation. It will be auctioned on the Gala Night on September 11th - brr, very scary!

And finally, here is a card I received from Jesse in South Africa. She organised a postcard swap a while ago - here you can see the cards she received in return (you won't have any trouble recognizing mine). Do check out her blog, she makes gorgeous prints!


  1. Congrats on 3rd place, that is great! And nope, no problem picking out your postcard=)

  2. Hoi Linda, wat leuk dat je derde bent geworden, natuurlijk heb ik ook op jouw ontwerp gestemd, als rotterdamse vond ik jouw amsterdamse huizen geweldig leuk.

    gr. mia


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