Friday, 2 April 2010

Postcards and ATCs

In the last few days I have made postcards for the winners of my giveaway and a few more. I used selvedges and lino printed fabric, and also finally cut up this quilt (scroll down to the end of the posting) to make it into postcards and ATCs.

The postcards are all spoken for, but if you would like to swap an ATC, please let me know (click on the photo to enlarge it).
The ones with the words (Names and Colo(u)rs) were made because, inspired by the calligrams, I cut up a lot of selvedge strips to get the words. I am planning a small quilt with them... but couldn't resist making a few ATCs.

Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter Linda!
    Jammer dat je de quilt versneden hebt,(ik vond 'm erg leuk) maar je hebt er wel weer iets anders moois van gemaakt!

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