Tuesday, 20 April 2010

More bikes, and a gymnast

I finally made a freezer paper screen of another biker and printed it - this one is based on a pic of my second son Ernst (5) riding a bike without the trainer wheels for the first time!

It does not always go so well... Robbie, our 3-year old, was riding Ernst's bike (with trainer wheels) on Saturday and fell off - here's the result:

Once his and Bear's arms were set he was quite happy and he is now without pain and doing everything - except riding a bike!

And Hugo (7) had his first gymnastics competition on Sunday - no medals (he was quite disappointed) but we thought he did very well, considering he is one of the youngest boys in his level and it was his very first competition!

(click to enlarge)

I'm very proud of my boys!



  1. Your sons are beautiful. So sorry the little guy hurt his arm!!!Poor bear too.
    The quilt, well it is exceptional!

  2. Hi Linda, I wanted to let you know that I received your postcard and I loved it. I haven't started making them yet but I am saving selvages and will be doing some soon and I will send one to you. God bless your little one that broke his arm I hope it mends well .They are both sweeties.
    love and blessings

  3. Oei, jouw zoons zijn ook wel 12 ambachten en 13 ongelukken op het moment!

    I love your quilt it really captures Ernst riding his bike for the first time without training wheels.
    Too bad Robbie fell of, lately your sons seem to be quite unlucky.

  4. Roburtus, je overtreft jezelf! Way to go!!

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