Tuesday, 29 December 2009

A new quilt

I have started a new quilt - I couldn't resist this optical illusion! You can find the whole quilt here. It is quite the rage at my Dutch quilters mailing list at the moment. Isn't it brilliant?!
It is called a Log cabin with a Lens, or simply a Lens Quilt, and when I saw it I knew I had to make it for my DH Lennert... I always call him Len and this is Len's Quilt, isn't it!
I don't think I will be able to finish it in time for his birthday, January 8th - but perhaps the top, although the blocks around this central part are very tricky...

We were washed away from the campsite at Mt Tamborine (pics on our family blog) and came back a day earlier than planned. You won't hear me complaining about that! Here in Brisbane it is raining a lot as well, so we keep busy by baking choc chip cookies and banana bread, and making mango jam and chutney with mangoes from the tree in our garden. Yum!


  1. Wat een regen! Maar in ieder geval dan een goede tijd om te quilten, de lensquilt is erg leuk. Misschien voor mij ook een ideetje voor ooit.

  2. Hi Linda,

    Lens Quilt looks very interesting!!!! My eyes are going crazy trying to figure out the blocks! I love the "out there" quilts you make - you are very artistic and talented and one day maybe I will try something a little different too!

    Isn't the rain just wonderful! I'm not complaining either..... great sewing weather!

    Happy New Year!

  3. wow, this really curls my toes!
    The mind boggles, I am trying to imagin it on a bed or on a wall, or even just on a flat surface, eye popping!

  4. You are right, it is quite the rage, this quilt. Makes me woozy though, so I don't see myself making one, ever.
    A pity about the rain, on the other hand, now you have more time for quilting.

  5. Len's Quilt is fantastic. Good one!
    And love the half eaten gingerbread men below!
    Send soem rain down here, please...

  6. I love this quilt pattern. I had not seen it before. Happy New Year Linda :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hi Linda, I've been looking for this quilt pattern in English. I put the Russian version in Google translate and just got gobbledygook. Do you have an English version of the pattern?

  9. Hoi Linda, heb jij het patroon of weet je waar ik het kan kopen in het Engels
    of Nederlands. Alvast bedankt, ik woon trouwens in Sydney.
    Groetjes, Monica


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