Friday, 20 November 2009

International Art Exchange

Last week I got an email from Emmy in the Netherlands, inviting me to an International Art Exchange. It was a chain letter in a nice form (or so I thought), asking me to send a small work of art ('a little drawing, a print, card, small stitched item, a comic or an art zine, or whatever you think is a good idea') to the number one on the list (the sender was number two), and to send the email on to six other artists. In that email you should of course make the original sender number one and put yourself as number two.

I thought it was a nice idea and made the mandala above for the number one in my email, a lady in Sweden (I'll reveal her name when she has received it. I'm quite sure she doesn't read this blog though). I used the mandala stencil from the book I bought at the Queensland Quilt Show, a silver Paintstik and some handdyed fabric, fast-2-fuse and a blue metallic thread. The diametre is about 15cm.

I sent the email to six of my online art quilt friends/acquaintances. Four of them replied that they were too busy, the other two did not reply. I sent it to six others - four replied that they were too busy, one said she would join in (yay!), one didn't reply... I sent it to five more persons - two replied that they were too busy, the others did not reply...

I guess I may not receive anything, but I had fun making this little work of art and just hope that the recipient will like it too!


  1. I am sure that whoever gets your piece of art will Love it.

  2. Sounds like a fun thing to do, Linda! Maybe the time of year is the problem. Would certainly be worth trying again in the new year. :)

  3. Hi Linda,

    The Swedish lady is lucky to get your beautiful mandala!

  4. Hi Linda!

    And thank you very much - I am the lucky Swedish lady who have your lovely mandala now :-)Thank you very much, I really like it, and as I say in the e-mail, blue is my favourite colour ! So nice you are from the Netherland, and that you are Emmy´s friend. Emmy is one of my first blogfriends for over three years now. I have send one of this email to another women in Neiterlands too. I have got two pieces of art now, and I am happy. I don´t think I´ll got 36, and it is many many of this kind of exchange now, I have got three, but I can only participate in this one, because it´s so hard to find 6 other who wants :-)
    Have a nice day, and thanks again. Now I will read your blog !

  5. Oh Linda, Gunnel has the most wonderful blog! Everyone should visit her there. She does incrediable stitch work. Just beautiful. Her banner alone sings to me everytime I open her blog.

    I know she really truly appreciates the art mandala you sent her! It is so well done.

    I too am IN the International Art Exchange. I too sent out to twelve people...I have sent out two pieces of art, one I received a very warm thank you for, the other I have not heard a word...??? Maybe they didn't like it? LOL
    But I have yet to receive anything myself. Perhaps this is about that it is better to give than to receive?


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