Friday, 7 August 2009

Fabric designer

Remember that I recently discovered Photoshop? Today I discovered Spoonflower. And those two sites make a great combination! I designed my own fabric and ordered a FQ of it. Can't wait to get it! Have a look at my designs here.


  1. Gee Linda, today I found a website that was talking about Spoonflower and I didn't really look! Maybe I should have? I might just go and see if I can find again!

    Ta for showing! You are so artistic.

  2. Wow! Your fabric looks wonderful. I've heard of Spoonflower, but haven't followed up. (Spend a lot of time on my sales instead of quilt designing nowadays.)Definitely will now. Thanks Linda.

  3. I LOVE the houses design! I love the detail on it and the free-hand drawing.


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