Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Affo! *

Yesterday I finished Flanello, the baby quilt, and today it started its journey to The Netherlands by airmail. It's scary to send a quilt on such a long trip - what if something happens to it? What if it never arrives?

Well, we'll just have to wait and see... As soon as it has arrived I will put a photo here, but for now it will remain a surprise to the receiving party!

Today I started the flannel ragtime quilt - a nice way to get rid of all the remaining scraps! I hope to finish it soon and be able to put it over our laps in the evening as we watch tv (which we seldom do - DH sits at the computer and I at the sewing machine). The Queensland winter is colder than we had thought it would be! (or rather, the houses aren't isolated as well as we'd thought they would be!) DH is now sitting at the computer with the 'playquilt' I made for Koen draped around his shoulders! ;-)

* 'Affo' is the term Dutch quilters use for a finished object. ('Af' = finished in Dutch)

1 comment:

  1. Hai Linda,

    AFFO? You can call it "AFO"! A Finished Object! LOL

    Almost the same! hahahaha;-))

    love , Adrie


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